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芯片战争 (2023)

导演 Nicolas Vescovacci
主演 Damien Boisseau  
类型 记录片
制片国家 法国
上映日期 2023
更新日期 2024-10-03


  They are in everything from computers to smartphones, from toasters to washing machines: Microprocessors are essential for so many consumer goods to function and now arguably underpin the world economy more than oil.
  When the pandemic hit it highlighted how much Western countries rely on the chip industry. Today Europe, America and China are involved in an intense commercial struggle to dominate this sector that is so strategic for the future. From Taiwan to Shanghai, via Brussels and San Francisco, investigative journalist Nicolas Vescovacci went to meet the most influential players in this microchip war, which is redefining world geopolitics.
  Narrator: Damien Boisseau
  Producer: Michäel Sztanke

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